Keyboard Shortcuts
Navigating and coding in NECTO Studio can be made more efficient with the use of keyboard shortcuts.
The "Keyboard Shortcuts" subsection provides a comprehensive list of key combinations that streamline your workflow in NECTO Studio, enabling faster coding, navigation, and management of your projects.
Here are some essential shortcuts to enhance your workflow:
General Shortcuts
- New Project: Ctrl + Shift + N
- Open File: Ctrl + O
- Save: Ctrl + S
- Close Project: Ctrl + Shift + C
- Exit: Alt + F4
Editing Shortcuts
- Undo: Ctrl + Z
- Redo: Ctrl + Y
- Cut: Ctrl + X
- Copy: Ctrl + C
- Paste: Ctrl + V
- Select All: Ctrl + A
- Find: Ctrl + F
- Replace: Ctrl + H
- Go to Line: Ctrl + G
- Comment/Uncomment: CTRL+/
Code Navigation
- Switch Header/Source: Shift + F4
- Go to Declaration: Ctrl + Click or F12
- Go to References: Shift + F12
- Go to Workspace Symbol: Ctrl + T
- Go to Symbol: Ctrl + Shift + O
- Go to Definition: F12
- Navigate Back: Alt + Left Arrow
- Navigate Forward: Alt + Right Arrow
Code Completion
- Trigger Completion: Ctrl + Space
Code Folding
- Fold Current: Ctrl + Shift + [
- Unfold Current: Ctrl + Shift + ]
Multi-Cursor and Selection
- Add Cursor: Alt + Click
- Add Cursor to Next Line: Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow
- Add Cursor to Previous Line: Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow
Select Next Occurrence: Ctrl + D
Copy Line Down: Shift + Alt + DownArrow
- Copy Line Up: Shift + Alt + UpArrow
- Cursor Undo: Ctrl + U
- Delete Line: Ctrl + Shift + K
Find and Replace
- Find in Files: Ctrl + Shift + F
- Replace in Files: Ctrl + H
Debugging Support
- Start Debugging: F9
- Step Over: F8
- Step Into: F7
- Step Out: Ctrl + F8
- Continue: F6
- Run to Line: F4
Restart Debug: Shift + F6
Add to Expression: Ctrl + I
- Disassembly mode: Shift + Alt + D
Command Palette
- Show Command Palette: Ctrl + Shift + P
Project Management
- New Project: Ctrl + Shift + N
Build Project: Ctrl + B
Clean active project: Ctrl+ Shift + X
- Close active project: Ctrl+ Shift + C
- Close All: Ctrl+ Shift + W
- Close file: Ctrl + W